Thursday 5 February 2015

What are your outside interests?

Answer: 1

I always like to travel outside when I get time. Because new place is new experience and new enjoyment, just go there and get spirit for future.

Answer: 2

My outside interest are visiting to historical places and naturally pleasant sights which gives me mentally and spiritually peace and refresh stress of mind.

Answer: 3

Being Frank my outside interest is to spend my time with small children. I fell happy to answer their curious questions.

Answer: 4

I'm very much interested in learning new things and update myself regularly. I frequently participate in discussions with my friends to improve communication skills. I've a curiosity to make new relationships personally as well as professionally and I'm very bold and skilled in making them. I always try to know and judge myself instead of thinking about others growth.

Answer: 5

To be frank my outside interest is everything what an ordinary man will love to do but one thing that matters for me is I give my 100 % to every such activity.

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