Tuesday, 21 April 2015

How many hours a week do you normally work?

Answer: 1

As per the company norms. But if there is any business requirement, I will stretch to complete that particular task within the given deadline.

Answer: 2

That is company requirements. Normally working office hours, company required extent and work I have to continue to work because of client and customer satisfaction is important.

Answer: 3

Usually a man can do work approx 55 to 65 hours in a week. But I never do count it, because work is the most important & first priority for me. As per me people count working hours if they are not interesting in the job expect to time pass. I always enjoy with my work and always try to get finish it timely. Whenever situation demands I always be stand for work.

Answer: 4

Sir I don't work just for time pass I also work for knowledge, experience and success so as such I never counted hours, as per me people count working hours if they are not interesting in job. I always enjoy my work and always try to finish it within or before the time. 


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