Thursday, 30 April 2015

How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?

Answer: 1

I would take it positively as I believe your credibility make you senior from your colleague not your age. If he/She have that skills and ability then I should learn and respect the same.

Answer: 2

No sir I don't have problem to do work under which person is smaller than me as age. I respect to his knowledge. Like as a inspector chair we respect to his chair not a particular man. Same type I respect to his talent, his post, his knowledge and his ability.

Answer: 3

I will feel normal to report a younger boss. I have nothing to do with his/her age.

Knowledge is the only thing which matters to me. 

Answer: 4

Age doesn't matter as long as the reporting manager leads by example in all the fronts, and has learnings in store for his/her subordinates. 


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